Yoga for Every Body


Yoga meets you exactly as you are, right where you are. You don't have to be flexible or athletic in order to practice yoga. All you have to do is breathe. Saying, "I'm not flexible enough to do yoga" is just like saying, "I'm too hungry to eat"! Walking through the door is a victory, and we honor the steps you take to make it to your mat. 

 At Unity, we provide a practice and a space where you can get out of your thoughts and into your body. If you want a healthier relationship with your body, yoga is for you. If you want to sharpen your mind, yoga is for you. If you want to increase your capacity to forgive, yoga is for you. If you want to maintain a strong body so you can pick up your grandkids one day, yoga is for you. If you want to find tools to manage daily stresses, yoga is for you. If you want to be less reactive, yoga is for you. If you don't have space or time to be still and quiet throughout your week, yoga is for you. If you spend most of your day sitting at a desk, yoga is for you. If you feel disconnected from your body, yoga is for you. If you desire to tap into the deepest parts of your soul, yoga is for you. If you are recovering from injury, addiction, or life itself, yoga is for you. 

There are usually around 30 classes per week on the schedule. Some are more physically challenging than others, but they are all meant to help you let go, work in, and breathe a little deeper. 

We are here to be a safe space for all who enter. Come as you are.

Check our Class Description page for more information.